Via Armando Diaz, 11
San Pietro in Lama
73010 Lecce - ITALY
+39 0832 631160



    A solid family tradition, in the interest of continuity. With Francesco Caricato.

    To provide an account of a family’s history is always a complex process.
    The year 1815 which we often refer to, is not a random date. It coincides with the need to hark back to our roots.
    We looked into our predecessors and respective manufacturing activity, up to the exact year in which it all began: 1815.
    It is the story of a family, ours and a combination of different surnames that have intertwined and succeeded each other.

    So, working backwards, between various degrees of kinship, we wanted to honour the memory of a family tradition.
    In keeping with time-honoured customs, our main focus is to continue to respect the value of this fruit-bearing terrain. And, as did our predecessors, we consider it our pleasure and duty to preserve this tradition in the interest of continuity.

    Our history and our origins - Azienda Agricola Caricato

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